4 products
Thick Top End Tables, indoor & outdoor use
Thick Top. A name that is almost an onomatopoeic sound, a shape designed for the interior and the exterior alike, in two different heights that make it a versatile and flexible object.
Two heights suitable for different uses
The two heights are suitable for different uses, as a table or even as a valet stand, to be placed freely around the house, in the garden, in public spaces, or in restaurants. The slight grooves and the proportions of the top almost resemble a tray in size and maneuverability. Although the name refers to the considerable thickness of the top, the object sports at the same time unexpectedly lightweight and easy of handling, thanks to clever use of materials.
Thick Top as a first
The sober, refined colours of both the top and the thin closing base match perfectly with the vibrant textures of the eco plastic body. We consider Thick Top as a first, important step towards an increasingly eco-conscious design with the lightest possible impact on Earth.